A message from the RecyleLife team -

It is with great honor and privilege that we announce that RecycleLife.org is a newly granted, 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, as of May 2013.

The Recycle Life team has been working diligently for the past year and a half to achieve this status. Since our inception in 2012, Recycle Life has been working with local communities in Northern Virginia to help raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. We have hosted events such as 5K walks and music events at local restaurants and clubs. We want to thank everyone who participated and donated to support our efforts. With the money raised at these events we were able to help families with medical expenses as well as sleeping arrangements near the hospitals where their loved ones were during the transplant process. Perhaps most importantly, we have steadily raised awareness and registered new donors as “Heroes” to those in need.

Our strategy has been to start local but our mission is global. We have now been presented with a great opportunity to expand our reach to over 30,000 + people at the annual Lockn’ Music Festival in Arrington, Virginia in September. This will be our second year at this amazing music festival and we are extremely honored to again be a part of “Participation Row”. This festival features some of the biggest bands new and old – Robert Plant, members of the Grateful Dead, Widespread Panic, Grace Potter, Santana, and many more. Our mission is very clear – we want to register as many donors as possible, raise money to help those in need and build relationships with this massive community, some who can support Recycle Life, and some that could use our help.

We are so excited to share this with all of our supporters, friends, and family. This event is a huge honor for us as over 40+ organizations applied, less than a third made the cut, and we are one of them. We want to make a great showing and make our booth one that everyone will remember. Doing this will require a great deal of support from our community. Please help sponsor our trip and make this event a success by making a tax deductible donation through our website, www.recyclelife.org and click the PayPal button. We thank you in advance!

- David Morgan
Founder/Organ Recipient

Contributions benefit the following:

1) Providing accommodations for Donor families who need to be close to their loved ones during the difficult times of the Transplant process.

2) Providing care baskets to Pre and Post Transplant Patients. (Care Baskets include a variety of supplies needed during waiting process and recovery.)

3) To help console families by speaking of personal experiences of the Transplant processes.

4) to increase organ donation awareness and registration within the United States.


LEESBURG, VIRGINIA (PRWEB) SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 – Click on the picture below for more info about one of our wonderful sponsors, “Paramount Business Jets”, and how we came together to raise awareness about the importance of Organ Donation.  

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